Financing real estate deals and projects
- We finance flipping and development projects
- Apartments, houses, land and construction projects
- Possibility to acquire funding of up to €2M
We finance real estate deals in these countries
We actively finance real estate for our clients in the countries listed below, but don't hesitate to contact us, even if you are looking for financing anywhere else.
1. Contact us
2. Property evaluation
3. Execution
4. The sale
Why with us?
For development projects and deals with a longer execution and sale horizon, we adjust the terms of cooperation individually. We will be happy to explain the exact details regarding the calculation of the returns, profit sharing and distribution to you personally.
Benefits of the service
- Attractive growth of your own capital thanks to leveraged financing.
- Cooperation with a strong, experienced and fair partner.
- Superior support in solving difficulties that may arise during construction, renovation or the deal itself.
- Quality due-diligence and preparation of legal documentation free of charge.
- Minimal bureaucracy, quick execution and strong business orientation.
- Fast payments, simple documentation.
- Support of sales thanks to our financial-real estate services.
Napísali o nás
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Ako predať nehnuteľnosť okamžite a bez znižovania ceny, keď potrebujete financie ihneď?
Petra Fodorová, COO BizPartner Group, nám prezradila viac o službe, ktorá pomáha uľahčiť cestu k vlastnej nehnuteľnosti bez zdĺhavého čakania na hypotéku...
Práca v oblasti realít a financií sa rozvíja na základe dobrých vzťahov. Je to people’s business...
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Skupina BizPartner Group po 15 rokoch presúva svoje finančno-realitné služby pod jednu strechu. ‚‚Veríme, že naše nové zjednotenie prinesie ešte viac benefitov pre našich klientov.”
„We started developing and providing our financial real estate services to our first clients in 2013. Today, they are used by ordinary retail customers, companies, real estate brokers as well as traders and developers, for whom they are a more accessible and easier financing solution than banks, and at the same time cheaper than individual private investors and institutions.“
Ing. Martin Fodor
CEO & Partner
Ing. Petra Fodorová, RSc.
COO & Partner