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Global property financing made easy-whether residential or commercial, domestic or international. Secure your property now, even if you don’t yet have the full funds available!
  1. Starting from just 15%
    of the property price
  1. Several years to 
    complete financing
  1. Pick a property
    of your choice

International presence

We are actively financing properties for our clients internationally.
Feel free to contact us when you are looking for financing anywhere in the world.

Key benefits

  1. All you need is a small amount of the price. Starting from 15%.
  2. You can start using or renting the property immediately.
  3. The fee for using the property is lower than you would pay for a commercial lease.
  4. You can renovate or modify the property to your liking.
  5. The price of the property is fixed until you buy it, even if property prices rise.
  6. You have up to several years to purchase the property and transfer it into your ownership. During this period, you can pay in cash, take out a loan, or secure a mortgage at any time – even early – without any fees or penalties.
  7. Our rent-to-own solution can help you apply for a mortgage in the future thanks to the fixed property price.
  8. You can also use our services to book off-plan properties.

How it works

1. Find a property

You've found a property you'd like to buy, but you don't have a financing solution or enough money yet? Send us information about the property via the form or call us on our WhatsApp. We will make you a rent-to-own offer with a later purchase.

2. Property immediately available

We will purchase the property on your behalf and rent it to you while you arrange your financing to buy it. To get started, all you need to pay is the agreed reservation fee, allowing you to use the property immediately.

3. Later purchase

The final step is to buy the property into your ownership. You can do this at any time in cash or by mortgage, at a pre-agreed and fixed price.

Guarantee of fair treatment

If you encounter any difficulties purchasing the property during the reservation period, there’s no need to worry. We can either extend the reservation period or transfer the property to another prospective buyer, ensuring your reservation fee is protected.

Are you interested in our services or need more information?

Contact us


Petra Fodorova

  +421 902 109 411

Chat on WhatsApp

Prenájom s neskorším odkúpením

Viac o alternatívnom financovaní nehnuteľností sa dozviete aj v našom videu.

Satisfied clients

  • I am very satisfied with the service, the company. Approach, speed, great treatment. They deliver what they advertise. In these hard times, it's much appreciated.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Anton M.

  • The "Rent to Own Later" service helped us get an apartment for our daughter who wanted to settle down after her studies. We found an apartment we liked, it was reasonably priced, but they hadn't approved our daughter for a mortgage yet and wouldn't give us another mortgage either. Thanks to the Rent to Own service, my daughter was able to move in right away and got the time she needed to qualify for the mortgage.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Simona P.

  • Everything they promise, they deliver, the company's motto is speed, flexibility. I recommend

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Romana S.

  • The BizPartner Group team are professionals in the real estate market. They were reliable in the acquisition of the property for active recreation, vineyard, all details of the purchase and transfer of the property were handled quickly. I recommend them to everyone. You can contact the company with trust. They will help you. Thank you for everything.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ingrid Ž.

  • With the expansion of our business, we needed a new larger space. We leased it through the BizPartner Group lease model and were able to start using it for business immediately. Later, when we successfully launched our business, we purchased the space as well. I would recommend this approach to other companies as well.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Michal T.

  • Professional approach, a pleasure to work with

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stanislav H.

Spokojní klienti na celom Slovensku

  • Služba “Prenájom s odkúpením neskôr” nám pomohla zaobstarať byt pre našu dcéru, ktorá sa po štúdiu usadila v Ružomberku. Našli sme byt, ktorý sa nám páčil, bol za prijateľnú cenu, no dcére ešte hypotéku neschválili a nám by už ďalšiu hypotéku taktiež nedali. Vďaka VoVlastnom sa dcéra mohla nasťahovať ihneď a získala potrebný čas pre splnenie podmienok hypotéky.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Simona P.

  • Všetko čo sľubujem dodrží, heslo firmy je rýchlosť, flexibilita. Odporúčam

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Romana S.

  • Tím spoločnosti BizPartner Group sú profesionáli na trhu s nehnuteľnosťami. Pri nadobudnutí nehnuteľnosti pre aktívny oddych, vinice boli spoľahliví, všetky náležitosti výkupu a prevodu nehnuteľ nosti rýchlo vybavili. Všetkým odporúčam. Na spoločnosť sa môžte s dôverou obrátiť. Pomôžu. Za všetko ďakujem. Žilincová s rodinou

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ingrid Ž.

  • Pri rozširovaní našej podnikateľskej činnosti sme potrebovali aj nové a väčšie priestory. Prenajali sme si ich prostredníctvom rent-to-own modelu skupiny BizPartner a ihneď sme ich mohli využívať na podnikanie. Neskôr, keď sa naše aktivity úspešne rozbehli, sme priestory aj odkúpili. Tento postup môžem odporučiť aj iným firmám.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Michal T.

  • Profesionálny prístup radosť spolupracovať

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stanislav Hlbocký

  • Som veľmi spokojný s touto službou, firmou. Prístup, rýchlosť, správanie na jednotku. Naozaj to čo to reklamujú to aj dodržia. V tejto neľahkej dobe to akože klobúk dole.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Anton M.

„We started developing and providing our financial real estate services to our first clients in 2013. Today, they are used by ordinary retail customers, companies, real estate brokers as well as traders and developers, for whom they are a more accessible and easier financing solution than banks, and at the same time cheaper than individual private investors and institutions.“

Ing. Martin Fodor
CEO & Partner

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Ako predať nehnuteľnosť okamžite a bez znižovania ceny, keď potrebujete financie ihneď?

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Petra Fodorová, COO BizPartner Group, nám prezradila viac o službe, ktorá pomáha uľahčiť cestu k vlastnej nehnuteľnosti bez zdĺhavého čakania na hypotéku...

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Skupina BizPartner Group po 15 rokoch presúva svoje finančno-realitné služby pod jednu strechu. ‚‚Veríme, že naše nové zjednotenie prinesie ešte viac benefitov pre našich klientov.”

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