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Obrázok investície

Only 2-year

Obrázok investície

Secured by
real estate

Obrázok investície

Yield paid  
every month


in return payments




value in €


of investors
invest again

Why invest with us?

Invest in our secured bonds and earn a guaranteed annual yield from 8.5%. The yield will be paid to you monthly, and your invested funds will be returned after 2 years.

We secure your deposits with our own real estate, which is pledged in favor of the investment. This makes our bonds among the safest options in the corporate world.


Secured by
real estate

We fully guarantee investors' deposits with specific real estate properties pledged in favor of our investors.


monthly yield

The yield is fixed, guaranteed, and independent of market developments, interest rates, or inflation. We pay the yield monthly, taxed, directly to your account.


any fees

We do not use third parties or intermediaries to sell our bonds. Therefore, no entry, operational, or exit fees are associated with the investment.

Calculation of the returns

How much do you want to invest:
How much do you want to invest:
50 000
50 000
Paid monthly:
Paid monthly:
Total return on investment:
Total return on investment:
Investment duration: 2 years

Investment process

  1. We will go over the investment terms with you.
  2. We'll sign the contracts together in person or online.
  3. By making the investment, you become the owner of the bonds.
  4. We will pay you the returns every month.
  5. At the end of the investment period, we will return the investment to you.

Bond Issue conditions of the secured bonds BIZPARTNER GARANT EU1/9,1/2; registered in the Central Securities Depository of the Czech Republic, a.s. under the registration number ISIN CZ0003567356.

Want to invest or need more information? Contact us.

Samuel Pavlicko

  +420 725 301 688

Chat on WhatsApp

Our satisfied clients and investors

Alessio M.
I am very satisfied with the BizPartner Group bonds. Above average returns, payouts every month, and high security backed by real estate made them the obvious choice. Also the customer service is outstanding. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a safe and reliable investment opportunity.
Peter D.
A highly reliable partner for investing. The thing I want to highlight, however, is the personal and human approach. With all due respect.
Roman Z.
I have been in cooperation with the company in the investment field for almost a year now and I must say that the approach of the whole company is above standard. At the same time, everything is running as agreed, even a little better, as the returns are being paid at the beginning of the month.
Erik G.
I have only positive experience with BizPartner Group, great attitude and professionalism. I can only recommend.
Janka G.
I am very satisfied, everything works as agreed.
Stefan J.
So far only positive experience 🙂
Jozef H.
High professionalism, prompt negotiations during the personal meeting and most importantly, fulfilling the contract.
Lubica S.
Professional approach, fast negotiations, reliability, satisfaction
Lukas V.
A provider of safe investments. Fair dealings and regular monthly interest payments, all according to the agreed contract.
Jan K.
Fair dealings with owners, unbeatable security of the investment with a lien on the property that exceeds the amount of the investment - Monthly passive income - Professionalism and reliability of the entire BuzPatrner Group team !!! I can only RECOMMEND !!!
Adam M.
Everything is running as we agreed. I am satisfied with the income level, monthly payouts and the security arrangement. I highly recommend 👍
Stanislav H.
Professional approach a pleasure to work with
Simona J.
Satisfied, they are willing to advise, answer questions even for new investors. Possible to contact them at any time. I am glad that I invested with you and I hope that we will have the opportunity to work together again. Both the investment and the payouts were according to the agreement.

Are you interested in the world of investing?

Leave us your email and we'll make sure you always have the most up-to-date information and tips on investment opportunities, market trends and news from the world of investing at your fingertips.

What is being invested in?

You invest in our real estate portfolio, which consists of liquid properties generating regular income. This allows us to pay returns to our investors regularly every month.

Why with us?

We have been in the real estate business for over 15 years, operating our own financial and real estate services. During this time, we have acquired significant know-how that enables us to deal with properties predictably, safely, and with attractive returns. We buy properties well below market price, which ensures that our capital is always well protected, and our returns are not affected by negative market movements, as we always have a pre-set and pre-contracted exit.

Opportunity for you

To meet demand and the long-term growing volume of transactions, we also collaborate with external investors who value our bonds for their stable returns and above-standard level of security. This year, we have once again, for several years in a row, exceeded over 100% growth in the volume of received investments as well as the growth in the volume of our real estate portfolio.


Frequently asked questions

How exactly are the bonds secured by real estate?

We guarantee investor deposits and the repayment of the entire bond issue with real estate from our portfolio, which is pledged directly in favor of our investors through liens. This approach is similar to how banks protect their money when providing mortgages.

The value of pledged real estate always exceeds 120% of the value of subscribed bonds. This is overseen by a lawyer acting as a security agent representing the bondholders. This method of security provides a tangible and real guarantee for our investors. Therefore, investing with us is among the safest options on the bond market.

Is the rate of return guaranteed?

With us, you will not encounter terms like expected, targeted, or projected return. Our bonds offer a fixed guaranteed return with no fees. As a bondholder, you are entitled to a return from the day your investment is received in our account until the end of the bond term, when the entire invested amount is returned to you. The return is paid out to bondholders regularly every month.

Properties collateralised in favour of our investors

We guarantee your investment by properties from our portfolio. It is made up of liquid real estate, which, depending on the specific bond issue, is located in United arab emirates, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech republic or Slovakia, which ensures quality diversification of the investment. These are mainly completed properties generating stable income, which also allows us to pay our investors returns on a regular, monthly basis. If you would like to know more about the specific properties that will be pledged in favour of your investment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What are the risks of the investment?

The advantage of investing with us is that we eliminate the vulnerabilities and risks associated with conventional bonds. Our investors’ money is always secured by real estate from our portfolio, which is pledged as collateral in favor of the investment, providing a real and tangible guarantee for their deposits. Thanks to this security, our investors’ funds remain protected even in the event of any financial difficulties on our part.

Another advantage is that investors do not have to wait for their returns. We pay them out regularly every month, ensuring transparency and demonstrating that everything is working as agreed.

If bonds, choose secured

Our secured bonds offer stability and certainty from the very beginning. Investments are backed by specific real estate properties pledged in favor of the investment, meaning deposits are directly covered by tangible assets. In addition, we offer an attractive return paid out regularly every month.

This is a fundamental difference compared to standard corporate bonds, which are often only secured on paper.

Do you want to invest with us?

Do not hesitate to contact us or visit us in person at one of our branches.

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