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Cookie Policy

Podpora firiem vo verejnom obstarávaní

Na Slovensko už roky prúdia obrovské finančné zdroje v podobe fondov a grantov z viacerých európskych programov. Žiaľ, k veľmi veľkej časti z nich sa prostredníctvom verejných zákaziek dostávajú len “veľkí hráči”, nadnárodné koncerny či rôzne korporácie. Zisky z týchto zákaziek tak automaticky odchádzajú mimo našu krajinu alebo sú rozdistribuované len veľmi nerovnomerne.

V rámci skupiny BizPartner Group poskytujeme podporu malým a stredným slovenským firmám a podnikateľom, ktorí majú záujem uchádzať sa a realizovať verejné zákazky, no na ich realizáciu im chýbajú finančné zdroje, personálne kapacity a referencie.

Cookie Policy

In accordance with § 109 (8) of Act No. 452/2021 Coll. on electronic communications, as amended, we would like to inform you about the use of cookies and draw your attention to the possibility of changing the settings of your internet browser in case the current setting of the use of cookies does not suit you.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that can be sent to your browser when you visit a website and stored on your device (computer or other device with internet access, such as a smartphone or tablet). Cookies are stored in your internet browser's file folder. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originate and the date on which they were created. The next time you visit the site, your web browser will reload the cookies and send this information back to the website that originally created the cookie. The cookies we use do not harm your computer.

Types of cookies we use:

Essential - these cookies form the basis for the operation of our website and enable the use of basic features such as secure areas or online payments, remembering to log in, allowing access to secure areas without having to log in again, pre-filling forms and more. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services that form the basis of our site. If you disable these cookies, we will not be able to guarantee the error-free operation of the site.

Operational - we collect statistical information about how you use our website. This is information that tells us, for example, which parts of the website you clicked on, which page you last visited and more. It is also used to analyse and improve our website in terms of content, performance and design. If you disable these cookies, we cannot guarantee the error-free operation of our site.

Third-party cookies - Cookies may be created while using our website that are not under the control of BizPartner Investments, j. s. a. This is the case, for example, if the website you are viewing uses a third-party analytics or marketing automation tool (such as Google's tools) or displays content from a third-party website, such as YouTube or Facebook. This results in the acceptance of cookies from third-party services. BizPartner Investments, j.s.a. cannot control the storage of or access to these cookies. If you want to know how these third parties use cookies, please read the privacy and cookie policies of these services.

Use of cookies

By using the website operated by BizPartner Investments, j.s.a., you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with your browser settings. If you visit our website and your browser is enabled to accept cookies, you do not make a change to your internet browser settings and continue to visit our website, we consider this to be acceptance of our terms of use for cookies.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies in order to optimally create and continuously improve our services, to adapt them to your interests and needs and to improve their structure and content. BizPartner Investments, j.s.a. does not use the data obtained through the use of cookies to contact you by mail, e-mail or telephone.

How you can change your cookie settings

Most web browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies. You can change this setting by blocking cookies or by notifying us if cookies are to be sent to your device. Instructions for changing cookies can be found in the "help" option of each browser. If you use different devices to access the site (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet), we recommend that you adapt each browser on each device to your cookie preferences.

Why keep your cookie settings?

The use of cookies and their permission in your web browser is at your discretion. However, if you change their settings, some of our websites may have limited functionality and a reduced user experience.